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Hubert Steed | profile | all galleries >> Photo Journal >> 2006 Favorites >> October 2006 Favorites tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

October 2006 Favorites

Making Waves
Making Waves
NY Times Project - American Institute of Architecture NYC Chapter
NY Times Project - American Institute of Architecture NYC Chapter
Straw Flowers
Straw Flowers
Elm Foliage on a Sidewalk Puddle
Elm Foliage on a Sidewalk Puddle
Marigolds & Calamintha
Marigolds & Calamintha
An Apple for the Photographer
An Apple for the Photographer
Calico Cat
Calico Cat
October Morning - Sycamore Tree
October Morning - Sycamore Tree
Sheridan Square Intersection
Sheridan Square Intersection
Ipomoea or Heavenly Blue Morning Glory
Ipomoea or Heavenly Blue Morning Glory
Oak Foliage
Oak Foliage
Autumn Morning
Autumn Morning
Hawthorne Tree Foliage & Berries
Hawthorne Tree Foliage & Berries
Sixth Avenue Playground - 'Man of the Year' Movie Billboard
Sixth Avenue Playground - 'Man of the Year' Movie Billboard
SOHO & Downtown Manhattan - WTC Site
SOHO & Downtown Manhattan - WTC Site
Going Public Exhibit -  Bronx Rescue Company 3
Going Public Exhibit - Bronx Rescue Company 3
Dogwood Tree Foliage
Dogwood Tree Foliage
Ornamental Cherry Tree Foliage
Ornamental Cherry Tree Foliage
Downtown View with the Woolworth Building on the Horizon
Downtown View with the Woolworth Building on the Horizon
Garden View - Hawthorne Foliage Highlighted
Garden View - Hawthorne Foliage Highlighted
Locust Tree Foliage
Locust Tree Foliage
Supermarket Harvest & Halloween Display
Supermarket Harvest & Halloween Display
Terrace Garden Begonias
Terrace Garden Begonias
Geranium - Terrace Garden
Geranium - Terrace Garden
Henry Hudson Rugosa Rose after Rain
Henry Hudson Rugosa Rose after Rain
Matthiola or Stock
Matthiola or Stock
Frolicking Under Sun Burst Chrysanthemums
Frolicking Under Sun Burst Chrysanthemums
Picasso & Gap Women
Picasso & Gap Women
Sidewalk Message - Day & Night Romance in NYC
Sidewalk Message - Day & Night Romance in NYC
Queen Ann Lace
Queen Ann Lace
Terracotta Queen with a Cherub - Building Portal Carving
Terracotta Queen with a Cherub - Building Portal Carving
Sneezeweed Flowers in the Rain
Sneezeweed Flowers in the Rain
Woodbine & Ivy
Woodbine & Ivy
Painting Fall Colors 2
Painting Fall Colors 2
Burning Red Bush
Burning Red Bush
Garden View - Crab Apple, Dogwood & Willow Trees
Garden View - Crab Apple, Dogwood & Willow Trees
Elm Tree Foliage & Seeds
Elm Tree Foliage & Seeds
Red Chrysanthemums & Golden Locust Foliage
Red Chrysanthemums & Golden Locust Foliage
Prunus Tree Foliage
Prunus Tree Foliage
Hydrangea Blossoms
Hydrangea Blossoms
Running Iron Man - NYU Gallery Window
Running Iron Man - NYU Gallery Window
Chicago Peace Rose
Chicago Peace Rose
Sunday Morning Sunrise
Sunday Morning Sunrise
Happy Feet Movie Billboard
Happy Feet Movie Billboard
Garden View - Sycamore & Locust Trees Framed with Willow Branches
Garden View - Sycamore & Locust Trees Framed with Willow Branches
Chrysler Rose at the Head of a Garden Path
Chrysler Rose at the Head of a Garden Path
Crab Apple Fruit on the Tree
Crab Apple Fruit on the Tree
Golden Rain Tree at the Bocce Ball Court
Golden Rain Tree at the Bocce Ball Court
Hydrangea Foliage & Juniper Trees
Hydrangea Foliage & Juniper Trees
Maple Tree & NYU Education Building
Maple Tree & NYU Education Building
Pigeon at the Playground
Pigeon at the Playground
Foliage on Stone Ground Cover
Foliage on Stone Ground Cover
Photographing Mayor LaGuardia's Statue
Photographing Mayor LaGuardia's Statue
Japanese White Anenomes
Japanese White Anenomes
Mephistopheles Show
Mephistopheles Show
Willow Tree Branches
Willow Tree Branches
Dogwood & Willow Trees
Dogwood & Willow Trees
Sunrise - West Greenwich Village
Sunrise - West Greenwich Village
Liriope & Loose Maple Foliage
Liriope & Loose Maple Foliage
Burning Bush Foliage
Burning Bush Foliage
Sycamore Tree
Sycamore Tree
Ornamental Cabbage - NYU Athletic Center Garden
Ornamental Cabbage - NYU Athletic Center Garden
The Prince English Rose
The Prince English Rose
A Sparrow on the Garden Welcome Stone
A Sparrow on the Garden Welcome Stone
Call the Ghost Busters!  Red Lion Bar Window
Call the Ghost Busters! Red Lion Bar Window
Maple Tree Foliage
Maple Tree Foliage