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Hubert Steed | profile | all galleries >> Photo Journal >> 2006 Favorites >> September 2006 Favorites tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

September 2006 Favorites

Red Rose & Morning Glory Blossoms
Red Rose & Morning Glory Blossoms
Crab Apple Tree Foliage
Crab Apple Tree Foliage
Gap Billboard
Gap Billboard
Bicycle Performance Rider
Bicycle Performance Rider
NYU Library, Scholar Trees & Students at the Fountain
NYU Library, Scholar Trees & Students at the Fountain
Linden Tree Foliage
Linden Tree Foliage
Garden Plot - Marigolds & Calamintha
Garden Plot - Marigolds & Calamintha
William-Wayne Home Accessories
William-Wayne Home Accessories
Fresh Cut Flowers & Produce
Fresh Cut Flowers & Produce
Hibiscus Blossom
Hibiscus Blossom
Sunset & Satellite Dishes
Sunset & Satellite Dishes
Robin Catching the Sun on a Garden Bench
Robin Catching the Sun on a Garden Bench
Chubs & Mackerel - Citarelli Seafood & Gourmet Market
Chubs & Mackerel - Citarelli Seafood & Gourmet Market
Two Sparrows at the Judson Church Bulletin Board
Two Sparrows at the Judson Church Bulletin Board
Beauty Berry Bush or Callicarpa
Beauty Berry Bush or Callicarpa
Fireworks - West Greenwich Village & New Jersey
Fireworks - West Greenwich Village & New Jersey
New York City Postcards for Sale
New York City Postcards for Sale
Queen Ann's Lace
Queen Ann's Lace
Celeste Asters
Celeste Asters
Veselka Cafe at 2nd Avenue
Veselka Cafe at 2nd Avenue
Towers of Light - 2006
Towers of Light - 2006
Locust Tree Foliage
Locust Tree Foliage
Garden View - Cosmos & Roses
Garden View - Cosmos & Roses
Fire Station House - 911 Memorial
Fire Station House - 911 Memorial
Sidewalk Pink Rose
Sidewalk Pink Rose
Dogwood Foliage in the Rain
Dogwood Foliage in the Rain
Sycamore Tree Bark in the Rain
Sycamore Tree Bark in the Rain
Impressionistic Garden View in the Rain
Impressionistic Garden View in the Rain
Downtown Manhattan Sunrise
Downtown Manhattan Sunrise
Crab Apple Fruit
Crab Apple Fruit
Paul Farges Clematis Vines in Bloom
Paul Farges Clematis Vines in Bloom
On a Garden Path - Anemone, Diascia & Rose Hips
On a Garden Path - Anemone, Diascia & Rose Hips
Danes Out for a Walk
Danes Out for a Walk
Mayor  LaGuardia Statue
Mayor LaGuardia Statue
Citizen Cope - Sidewalk Message
Citizen Cope - Sidewalk Message
Rain on Rose Petals
Rain on Rose Petals
Get Me to Circus Amok on Time
Get Me to Circus Amok on Time
Blue Eyed Huskies
Blue Eyed Huskies
Hawthorne Tree Berries
Hawthorne Tree Berries
NYU Main Building Renovations at Washington Place
NYU Main Building Renovations at Washington Place
Coleus In a Flower Box
Coleus In a Flower Box
Keeping Covered with a Flair at the Fountain
Keeping Covered with a Flair at the Fountain
Nasturtium or Tropaeolum
Nasturtium or Tropaeolum
Yellow Jacket on Yellow Aster
Yellow Jacket on Yellow Aster
Magenta Pink Cosmos Aster
Magenta Pink Cosmos Aster
Allium or Garlic Chive Blossoms
Allium or Garlic Chive Blossoms
Queen Ann Lace and a Red Rose Bush
Queen Ann Lace and a Red Rose Bush
Church Conversion to Condominiums
Church Conversion to Condominiums
Subway at Waverly Place Restaurant
Subway at Waverly Place Restaurant
Street Reflection in the New School Stone Wall
Street Reflection in the New School Stone Wall