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Jeroen Bosman | all galleries >> SOMEWHAT: anything else >> photos with a story: my 36 current favourites > Continuity and change
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Continuity and change

along the river IJssel between Deventer and Zutphen view map

This image is part of a series of impressions of early morning river mist along the river that passes by my hometown Deventer. I ventured a bit into the countryside and after a few minutes of cycling I had this view. With the dominating motorway viaduct it is, on a normal day, a very mundane, even ugly view. But it was completely different this morning. I saw the symmetry, the focal point and lines. But what I like most of all now is the horizontal gradient of colours. This was of course caused by the river mist and sun on the left. The more I look at it, the more I like it. But well, that may be just me....

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