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Harry Lavo | profile | all galleries >> HFLPhotos - Sports >> Holyoke Giants Baseball tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Holyoke Giants Baseball

Pictures taken at night games of the Holyoke Giant's College League baseball team during the 2006 and 2007 season. This is difficult sports shooting....poor light dictating relatively low shutter speeds, and formal stadium distance between photog and athletes (unlike such sideline sports as soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and informal baseball).

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Mackenzie Stadium - Home of the Holyoke Giants
gallery: Mackenzie Stadium - Home of the Holyoke Giants
Holyoke Giants Game Photos from June-July 2006
gallery: Holyoke Giants Game Photos from June-July 2006
Holyoke Giants Game Photos from June-July 2007
gallery: Holyoke Giants Game Photos from June-July 2007