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Help Topics
Why are non-public images showing up in my random images area?
A common reason that images appear when you think they should not is that they're actually still public. If you make a gallery non-public, its subgalleries remain public unless you change them.

So, to make an entire gallery and its subgalleries non-public, you have to go in and edit each gallery indicating whether you want them to be public/non-public/password protected.

To check which galleries are public/non-public/locked, go to your root gallery and click on the "tree view" link on the top right of the screen. Then, go in and edit those galleries which you want to make non-public.

If images that you have made non-public continue to show up, please email .

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The statistics on the profile page are updated once a day when you view your own profile page. So, it may take some time to see results of adding/removing images and receiving page views.

A common reason that images appear when you think they should not is that they're actually still public. If you make a gallery non-public, its subgalleries remain public unless you change them. So, to make an entire gallery and its subgalleries non-public, you have to go in and edit each gallery indicating whether you want them to be public/non-public/password protected. To check which galleries are public/non-public/locked, go to your root gallery and click on the "tree view" link on the top right... (more)

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