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11-AUG-2007 © DK Hein 2007


(there *is* light at the end of that tunnel!)

Submitted for the August 2007 Monthly Challenge Topic: Come & Go.
For other entries in this series please go and see:

Nikon D200
1/15s f/5.0 at 65.0mm iso560 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Petros Labrakos31-Jul-2008 12:05
remarkable compo
effective colours
Guest 04-Nov-2007 09:48
Beautiful colourful shot
Meggi Raeder25-Oct-2007 05:36
The colors are vivid and gorgeous - great atmosphere and image!
H2M18-Oct-2007 15:26
Great work!Love the depth and colors. V.
Tom Briggs01-Oct-2007 13:55
Beautiful capture, Dave... so many things of interest and the colors are dazzling ... voted
olivier bruning27-Sep-2007 18:02
wonderful!! V
Dan Chusid22-Sep-2007 01:58
Nice ships!
(passing in the night).
Lee G14-Sep-2007 04:13
I like this scene! Great colors and motion. v
Mark Kruse01-Sep-2007 14:52
Superb shot, so much to look at!
Guest 31-Aug-2007 13:42
Great compo Dave and so colorful! -V-
Guest 29-Aug-2007 19:16
Wonder colors and composition, wonderful atmosphere. v.
Guest 28-Aug-2007 21:51
What an interesting image. Great shot!
QUERIDO23-Aug-2007 06:53
Excellent shot, Vote
January Grey23-Aug-2007 03:46
Very creative and colorful capture! I've never seen an airport look so beautiful! V~
Johnny Rasmussen22-Aug-2007 23:55
Very difficult to do these kind of images! Very good work!
Jola Dziubinska22-Aug-2007 20:13
Perfect use of available light, very nice composition and perspective. Vote.
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography22-Aug-2007 18:00
elegant compo,very nice colours
Fong Lam22-Aug-2007 15:58
A very attractive way to welcome travellers with those colorful lights. Love the reflections too ~V~
Mostafa Moftah22-Aug-2007 14:24
Great photo.. ~V~
Carolyn Rasmussen22-Aug-2007 14:16
Beautiful lighting and composition. V
Yiannis Pavlis22-Aug-2007 14:02
A very effective composition, wonderful use of light and colors to create a complete and creative image.v
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography22-Aug-2007 12:20
Excellent and very nice capture, Vote!
Jean-Luc Rollier22-Aug-2007 11:36
Excellent ! Love the depth. JL
Maaike Huizer22-Aug-2007 11:19
A beautiful entry. Love the colours and the subject.
Máire Uí Mhaicín22-Aug-2007 09:56
Great image. I love the use of colours here - brightening the day for jaded travellers.v
Ann...22-Aug-2007 09:40
This is really a superb photograph, there is just so much to see. I love the colours and reflections and the people and...... V.