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hall of shame

How many of these slimeballs do you recognize?
(There is at least one ringer.)

I'm pretty upset at all the greed and the excess and what it's done not only to my country,
but to the world right now. If a few of these faces and many others that aren't here had
not been so selfish we wouldn't be in this mess right now.

You want to start blaming people?... This would be a good place to begin.

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Hodero10-May-2011 10:46
Don't know them,but I imagine most of them must be politicians ;-)
Dan Chusid23-Feb-2009 02:11
I wonder if any one of them claims that it was
all mistakenly caused by their steroids use.
j>a>e>17 :):):)22-Feb-2009 08:29
tooo funny & sadly true... sooo many more to add... like the Pope & his circus of brainwashing cardinals, bishops, pedophule priests & psycho nuns (& othe religions have their cast of fools), total lunatic Jesse Jackson & his slime pal "Rev" Al Sharpton (& their entourage of racist "NO RAINBOW COALTION" nuts, Donald Trump, mega "professional" athletes, bloated ego celebs... :get" my drift ":):):) oops, forgot endless list of "european" royals living off their brainwashed peasants in 2009 tooo!!!

there ARE MORE... teee heee :):):)
Lee G22-Feb-2009 04:30
Jim Cramer would give you a long and loud Booyaa for this Hall of Shame. When making money at the expense of ignorant consumers, hoodwinked into thinking they could afford the $600,000 American Dream Home with $35,000 a year incomes, became good business practice is when the free enterprise system turned that dream into a sick fantasy that hard working Americans will be choking on for years to come. Fire up the guillotine, Bernard Madoff is coming over for dinner and there's something we'd all like to do to him!
Ed Preston21-Feb-2009 12:49
Thanks for this, sometimes it's hard to realize the scope of the problem and some of the people that helped it along. A lot of the missing pictures are the greedy ones, the ones whom are complaining how they lost all their money to scam artists, that should have known that a 20% yield was not possible, that should have known not to put all their eggs in one basket, that should have known what a real pyramid scheme looks like, that only the top of the pyramid is going to make out.

Sorry, I'll get off my soap box, thanks for the compilation. Nice post!