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Natural juwelry

Lake side park of Ohtani/Kawaguchi-ko Lake/Yamanashi


Nikon DF
1/100s f/9.0 at 120.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
MarcViskens29-Dec-2014 18:36
very very pretty
well done Kinta
waterfalls man02-Nov-2014 02:56
Beautiful Shot V!!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)31-Oct-2014 04:39
Amazing image! Nice work.V+
woody3429-Oct-2014 02:14
Amazing , that is so it...V
Julie Oldfield21-Oct-2014 01:52
Beautiful color and detail. V
Alexander Kazakov20-Oct-2014 07:22
Outstanding! Like the color! V
Zeeby19-Oct-2014 17:51
Wonderful photo. V
Pieter Bos19-Oct-2014 09:10
Very nice close-up! ~V
Buba Jafarli19-Oct-2014 07:16
Great camera work! V.
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