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Gavin | all galleries >> hidden >> Photo A Day. >> December 2006. > The First Cut Is The Deepest.
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The First Cut Is The Deepest.

Nicked myself shaving this morning.

Nikon D200
1/125s f/8.0 at 90.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography17-Dec-2006 00:49
bravo !
Craig Persel16-Dec-2006 01:04
Carmen15-Dec-2006 23:25
Very true, Donna! Nothing like seeing someone staggering woozily to get the camera to "capture the moment"; I've done it myself. :-) (This pic reminded me of one mine: Tho' mine's only beet juice.)
Guest 15-Dec-2006 23:25
Agree with Donna Lear. Bet the first thought that came to mind wasn't the pain... It was the composition (well, and where you left your camera!)...
Donna Lear15-Dec-2006 22:52
A true photographer is someone who will knick themselves shaving, look down and the first thought is "I need to get my camera." Intriguing photo.