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Gus Rosenfeld | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Got Balls? tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Got Balls?

Man's Best Friends & A Dog's Best Friends
And, So It Begins -
And, So It Begins -
Floating In Wait -
Floating In Wait -
I'm always a Little off on the lateral range . . . .
"I'm always a Little off on the lateral range . . . ."
Now I've got it .  .
"Now I've got it . . "
A lot more to this than one would think . . .
"A lot more to this than one would think . . . "
Oh yeah . . .
"Oh yeah . . . "
Wait a minute, no fair . .
"Wait a minute, no fair . . "
Got it now; I'm home . .
"Got it now; I'm home . . "
Now, it begins again  . . . .
"Now, it begins again . . . ."
Man, I love this!
"Man, I love this!"
I'm hot!
"I'm hot!"
Speed At The Cost Of Looking Good?
Speed At The Cost Of Looking Good?
I'm thinkin' all I need is the cape with a big S on the front.
"I'm thinkin' all I need is the cape with a big S on the front."
Proof: Tennis Balls Are Better Than Prozac®
Proof: Tennis Balls Are Better Than Prozac®
I think I have a problem. I'm tired as heck but I just can't stop.
"I think I have a problem. I'm tired as heck but I just can't stop."