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Thomas on Islands | profile | all galleries >> == Flying Hawaii == >> Flight Around Oahu 13.Jan.1999 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Flight Around Oahu 13.Jan.1999

I would like express my gratitude to Beverly Kai, Honolulu, Hawaii for reviewing the photographs and identifying what they depict. Without this help many of these images would not have been described correctly. Especially the features of the less known North Shore of Oahu were difficult to remember.

This was my second flight with Oahu Aviation, a small but very friendly organization on the Honolulu International (They seem to have ceased operation one year later.) A checkout was mandatory of course, and contained a proof of proficiency in dealing with the busy Honolulu class B airspace. One channel crossing was necessary during the checkout to get permission for flights to other islands. Solo flights to Kauai were permitted to IFR pilots only, because the both islands vanish from sight in the Ka'ie'ie Waho Channel.

On this flight we took off from 4R to the right. We received permission to fly over water in front of Waikiki shoreline. We flew counterclockwise around the Island, all way around to the Dillingham Airfield on the opposite side of Oahu. From there we were heading back to Hale'iwa, Pearl City and Honolulu. Once the flight returns into class B, it carries a significant stress element. I would not recommend to fly through the busy restricted areas, which include Wheeler AA, Pearl Harbor and the Hickam AFB and do photography without a copilot familiar with the area. It was a magnificent adventure! I returned for more flights on Oahu several times since, but nothing compares to the thrill of this first flight!

01-Aloha Tower, Maritime Center
01-Aloha Tower, Maritime Center
02-Downtown, Iolani Palace behind
02-Downtown, Iolani Palace behind
03-Ala Moana, Ala Wai
03-Ala Moana, Ala Wai
04-Ala Wai
04-Ala Wai
05-Fort DeRussy
05-Fort DeRussy
06-The Royal Hawaiian Hotel
06-The Royal Hawaiian Hotel
08-Le'ahi Crater, Koko Head and Koko Crater in background
08-Le'ahi Crater, Koko Head and Koko Crater in background
09-Le'ahi Crater (Diamond Head)
09-Le'ahi Crater (Diamond Head)
10-Le'ahi (Diamond Head), Waikiki behind
10-Le'ahi (Diamond Head), Waikiki behind
11-Le'ahi (Diamond Head), Waikiki behind
11-Le'ahi (Diamond Head), Waikiki behind
12-Kahala, Waikiki Hotels behind
12-Kahala, Waikiki Hotels behind
13-Paiko Peninsula and Pond
13-Paiko Peninsula and Pond
14-Hawai'i Kai, Kuapa Pond
14-Hawai'i Kai, Kuapa Pond
15-Homes of Hawai'i Kai
15-Homes of Hawai'i Kai
16-Homes of Hawai'i Kai
16-Homes of Hawai'i Kai
17-Homes of Hawai'i Kai
17-Homes of Hawai'i Kai
19-Hanauma Bay
19-Hanauma Bay
20-Hawai'i Kai
20-Hawai'i Kai
21-Koko Crater
21-Koko Crater
22-Ka'iwi Coast, Hawaii Kai golf course and Queen's Beach
22-Ka'iwi Coast, Hawaii Kai golf course and Queen's Beach
23-Makapu'u Point
23-Makapu'u Point
24-Makai Pier, Waimanalo Beach and Bay
24-Makai Pier, Waimanalo Beach and Bay
25-Sea Life Park
25-Sea Life Park
26-Waimanalo HI 96795, Magnum P.I. Estate
26-Waimanalo HI 96795, Magnum P.I. Estate
27-Waimanalo HI 96795, Magnum P.I. Estate
27-Waimanalo HI 96795, Magnum P.I. Estate
29-Waimanalo, Ko'olau Range
29-Waimanalo, Ko'olau Range
30-Waimanalo, Ko'olau Range
30-Waimanalo, Ko'olau Range
31-Bellows AF (airport closed)
31-Bellows AF (airport closed)
31b-Bellows Main Runway Detail
31b-Bellows Main Runway Detail
32-Ka'iwa Ridge, Kailua and Mokulua Island
32-Ka'iwa Ridge, Kailua and Mokulua Island
33-Kane'ohe, Ha'iku Valley, the H-3 freeway
33-Kane'ohe, Ha'iku Valley, the H-3 freeway
34-Pali Lookout, Pali Highway and Koolau Golf Course
34-Pali Lookout, Pali Highway and Koolau Golf Course
36-Patch Reefs in Kane'ohe Bay
36-Patch Reefs in Kane'ohe Bay
37-Kane'ohe Bay
37-Kane'ohe Bay
38-Mokoli'i Island
38-Mokoli'i Island
39-Mokoli'i Island, Moli'i Pond on the left
39-Mokoli'i Island, Moli'i Pond on the left
40-Kualoa Ranch and Sacred Cliffs
40-Kualoa Ranch and Sacred Cliffs
41-Kualoa Ranch in the Kaaawa Valley
41-Kualoa Ranch in the Kaaawa Valley
42-North Shore
42-North Shore
44-La'ie, Brighan Young Univ.
44-La'ie, Brighan Young Univ.
46-Hale'iwa beach, river, harbor & part of town
46-Hale'iwa beach, river, harbor & part of town
48-Dillingham Airfield
48-Dillingham Airfield
49-Lake Wilson, Wahiawa
49-Lake Wilson, Wahiawa
50-Red Soil of Oahu
50-Red Soil of Oahu
51-Mililani Town and the H2
51-Mililani Town and the H2
52-Moku'ume'ume (Ford Island), Arizona Memorial
52-Moku'ume'ume (Ford Island), Arizona Memorial
52-Arizona Memorial Detail
52-Arizona Memorial Detail
53-Pu'uloa (Pearl Harbor) East Loch, with 3 submarines
53-Pu'uloa (Pearl Harbor) East Loch, with 3 submarines
54-Honolulu Intl, Kamoku'akulikuli (Sand Island) behind
54-Honolulu Intl, Kamoku'akulikuli (Sand Island) behind
55-Entering left traffic 4R
55-Entering left traffic 4R
56-Crossing 8L-26R
56-Crossing 8L-26R
57-Downwind to Base 4R
57-Downwind to Base 4R
58-Base 4R
58-Base 4R
59-Short Final 4R
59-Short Final 4R