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All shots ©2010 Gary Ryan, TooFatToRace (Blog, Facebook Page). Non-commercial use of these web-sized images (for blogs/Facebook pages, etc) is granted. Right click, "save as", done. If you use them on a blog or a Facebook profile, *please credit me* (Gary Ryan), and if possible, link back to this gallery or "like" my new TooFatToRace Facebook Page. Also, if you get the chance (because I like to see my stuff in use), shoot me an email and let me know where you've used the shot.

Full-res digital images can be purchased (assuming the full-res shot is up to snuff) for $20. 8x10ish" prints can be purchased for $35. Email me to discuss. Please keep in mind that the photos here on Pbase are unprocessed/straight out-of-the-camera shots with copyright info stamped on them. Any full-res image would be hand tweaked by me to ensure the best possible print and would not contain the copyright text.
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