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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Canada Day > Parade Cowboy.jpg
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July 1, 2013 Gill Kopy

Parade Cowboy.jpg

Fraser Lake, B.C.

My favourite shot of the day

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
1/125s f/5.6 at 280.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
bill friedlander17-Sep-2018 21:08
Looks like a Norman Rockwell opus. Delightful portrait. V
XiaoBernard9919-Jul-2013 05:02
very cute little cow boy.
Excellent expression.
Inga Morozoff04-Jul-2013 03:26
He reminds me of the boy on the front of M.A.D. Magazine. Remember him? Terrific shot!
woody3403-Jul-2013 00:32
A sweet portrait and what a proud look on the boy...wonderful capture..V
Helen Betts02-Jul-2013 20:41
A charming portrait, and a great expression you captured, Gill. V.
Tom LeRoy02-Jul-2013 17:46
Terrific shot, he's really a delight. V
Neil Marcus02-Jul-2013 11:19
This is delightful! "vVv"
Anitta02-Jul-2013 05:20
Love this portrait! My favorite, too! V
joseantonio02-Jul-2013 04:13
Very nice capture of that lost look.V.
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