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Alexander Dudley | profile | all galleries >> Australian Invertebrates >> Insects tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


We may not always like insects, but without them the survival of most of Earth's terrestrial ecosystems would fall apart quickly.
Beetles - Coleoptera
:: Beetles - Coleoptera ::
Grasshoppers and Crickets, Orthoptera
:: Grasshoppers and Crickets, Orthoptera ::
Bees, wasps and ants.
:: Bees, wasps and ants. ::
:: Dragonflies ::
Diptera- flies and their allies
:: Diptera- flies and their allies ::
:: Lepidoptera ::
Sucking Insects- True bugs
:: Sucking Insects- True bugs ::
Praying mantis and poem.
Praying mantis and poem.
Mantis head
Mantis head
Parasitic wasp on mantid egg case.
Parasitic wasp on mantid egg case.
Sphodropoda tristis
Sphodropoda tristis
Ant-mimicking Preying Mantis
Ant-mimicking Preying Mantis
Ants and Cicadellid
Ants and Cicadellid
Cockroach egg-case
Cockroach egg-case
Termite mounds
Termite mounds
Working on a skyscraper
Working on a skyscraper
TermiteQueen, Nasutitermes
TermiteQueen, Nasutitermes
Alates, winged termites prepare for launch
Alates, winged termites prepare for launch
Giant Stonefly, Eusthenia spectabilis
Giant Stonefly, Eusthenia spectabilis
Giant Stonefly
Giant Stonefly
Neuropterans- Ant Lions and their allies
:: Neuropterans- Ant Lions and their allies ::