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Greg Burke | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> gobi_desert__mongolia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Photos from a family vacation in Mongolia. all taken with nikon cp 5700..
Ger wagon
Ger wagon
flaming cliffs
flaming cliffs
3 camel lodge
3 camel lodge
dune climbers
dune climbers
camel ride.
camel ride.
billboard and statue / Ulaanbaatar
billboard and statue / Ulaanbaatar
ger dish.
ger dish.
girl and colt.
girl and colt.
guide book reader.
guide book reader.
motorcycle  ger .
motorcycle ger .
sunrise ger smoke.
sunrise ger smoke.
bathroom doors.
bathroom doors.
tetherd horses.
tetherd horses.
sunrise big ger.
sunrise big ger.
ovoo and river.
ovoo and river.
ger door sunrise.
ger door sunrise.
mongolian horse herders
mongolian horse herders
morning  3 camel lodge
morning 3 camel lodge
g3/68/169568/3/88967182.UXJngKxU.jpg Kids
Urban Ger
Urban Ger
building a fire
building a fire
roadside ger &  dog.
roadside ger & dog.
camel power
camel power
baby goat
baby goat
3 camel lodge pano
3 camel lodge pano
baby in ger door
baby in ger door
wild white sheep horn
wild white sheep horn
lunch canyon
lunch canyon
g3/68/169568/3/88967183.GJseF3Kq.jpg g6/68/169568/3/83262031.aF70oAVp.jpg monastery ruins
monastery ruins
monastery ruins
monastery ruins
g3/68/169568/3/88967186.MnO0BQYh.jpg g3/68/169568/3/88967187.QMAVpjg3.jpg ger detail
ger detail
ger takedown
ger takedown
wild native horses
wild native horses