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Gigs Rowland | profile | all galleries >> Des Moines River Water Trail >> Ottumwa to Bonaparte tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ottumwa to Bonaparte

Chief Wapello Gravesite-Agency IA
Chief Wapello Gravesite-Agency IA
Chief Wapello Memorial-Agency IA
Chief Wapello Memorial-Agency IA
Chief Wapello and Visitors
Chief Wapello and Visitors
Launching at Austin Park-Pittsburg
Launching at Austin Park-Pittsburg
Cedars, Chequest Creek near Pittsburg
Cedars, Chequest Creek near Pittsburg
Parade on Douds Bridge
Parade on Douds Bridge
Tractor Ride, Selma-Canoe Van Buren
Tractor Ride, Selma-Canoe Van Buren
Red Carpet at Selma-Canoe Van Buren Volunteers
Red Carpet at Selma-Canoe Van Buren Volunteers
River Garden-Douds
River Garden-Douds
Mist on the Des Moines-Selma IA
Mist on the Des Moines-Selma IA
Crowd at Austin Park
Crowd at Austin Park
Kiosks for the water trail
Kiosks for the water trail
Water trail sign
Water trail sign
New bridge at Keo
New bridge at Keo
Looking upriver
Looking upriver
Great bend at Keo
Great bend at Keo
From the Hotel Manning
From the Hotel Manning
Full of Boats
Full of Boats
River Master
River Master
Old Keosauqua Bridge
Old Keosauqua Bridge
Helpful Volunteers
Helpful Volunteers
Pancakes, Kayaks and a Scenic River Bridge-Keosauqua
Pancakes, Kayaks and a Scenic River Bridge-Keosauqua
Eager to Launch
Eager to Launch
Great Bend, Keosauqua
Great Bend, Keosauqua
Folbot Arrives at Keosauqua
Folbot Arrives at Keosauqua
Boats in Morning Mist-Keosauqua
Boats in Morning Mist-Keosauqua
Approaching Keosauqua on Canoe Van Buren
Approaching Keosauqua on Canoe Van Buren
Name Rock-Pittsburg
Name Rock-Pittsburg
Boats at Keosauqua
Boats at Keosauqua
Bridge sign
Bridge sign
J40 at Bentonsport
J40 at Bentonsport
Riverside trail sign
Riverside trail sign
Iron and Lace
Iron and Lace
Vernon-Bentonsport bridge
Vernon-Bentonsport bridge
SST at Bentonsport
SST at Bentonsport
Bentonsport, Des Moines River Bluffs
Bentonsport, Des Moines River Bluffs
Paddlers in Paradise
Paddlers in Paradise
Volunteers at Bentonsport
Volunteers at Bentonsport
Morning Mist-Vernon Bridge
Morning Mist-Vernon Bridge
Sunset at Bentonsport
Sunset at Bentonsport
Good Effort
Good Effort
Kayak Carts at Bentonsport
Kayak Carts at Bentonsport
Garden at Bentonsport
Garden at Bentonsport
General Store-Old Steamboat Town, Bentonsport IA
General Store-Old Steamboat Town, Bentonsport IA
Bentonsport Gardens
Bentonsport Gardens
Bentonsport gardens
Bentonsport gardens
Stacy G
Stacy G
Some Care More Than Others
Some Care More Than Others
Bonaparte Retreat
Bonaparte Retreat
Dragoon Trail Marker-Libertyville IA
Dragoon Trail Marker-Libertyville IA
Bonaparte gardens
Bonaparte gardens
Patriotic Outhouse
Patriotic Outhouse