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Gayle Jenkins | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Originals and Alternates tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Originals and Alternates

a different version
a different version
original lightened and slightly oversaturated
original lightened and slightly oversaturated
slightly altered version
slightly altered version
My morning visitors
My morning visitors
A different shot
A different shot
original photo
original photo
original image
original image
The Lunch Bunch
The Lunch Bunch
a second choice
a second choice
Today's Problem Du Jur
Today's Problem Du Jur
Cafe Du Monde
Cafe Du Monde
Williams Blvd. Boat Launch
Williams Blvd. Boat Launch
Williams Blvd. boat launch
Williams Blvd. boat launch
My first thought for my pad today
My first thought for my pad today
Pre Katrina
Pre Katrina
The almost picture of the day
The almost picture of the day
:: sara ::
November 29
November 29
what was
what was
what was
what was
original of flowers
original of flowers
Today's Sunset
Today's Sunset
Shirley Bowler rides in the Harahan Christmas Parade
Shirley Bowler rides in the Harahan Christmas Parade
g3/41/321341/3/53396380.parade026a.jpg g3/41/321341/3/53544461.DSC_8217reduced.jpg watching the Christmas Eve bonfire
watching the Christmas Eve bonfire
An amazing catch
An amazing catch
New Orleans tee shirt
New Orleans tee shirt