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New Zealand Scenery

Shot in December 1999 in New Zealand. My sister and I spent two weeks mostly in Queenstown and Fjordland National Park on the South Island. We walked the Milford Track and the Routeburn Track which are four and three day hikes, and spent a few days around Queenstown itself.
Milford Sound
Milford Sound
Queenstown Aerial
Queenstown Aerial
u8/slug/large/099.20.5.jpg Rain on the Milford Track
Rain on the Milford Track
Milford Waterfall
Milford Waterfall
Sunset over Lake Wakatipu
Sunset over Lake Wakatipu
Tree in Te Anau
Tree in Te Anau
u8/slug/large/099.33.5.jpg u8/slug/large/098.18.5.jpg Blonde girl and trinket vendor
Blonde girl and trinket vendor