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Fletcher Wildlife Garden | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds of the FWG (23 galleries) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds of the FWG (23 galleries)

As of May 2013, 152 species have been observed at FWG since the garden's inception in 1990.

Visit our web site for a complete list of birds of the FWG. You'll also find information about what to see at various times of the year, creating a safe garden for birds, trees and shrubs for birds, and all about feeding birds.

:: Misc. ::
Waterfowl of the FWG
:: Waterfowl of the FWG ::
Herons and Bitterns of the FWG
:: Herons and Bitterns of the FWG ::
Hawks  and Turkey Vultures of the FWG
:: Hawks and Turkey Vultures of the FWG ::
Shorebirds of the FWG
:: Shorebirds of the FWG ::
Gulls of the FWG
:: Gulls of the FWG ::
Doves of the FWG
:: Doves of the FWG ::
Hummingbirds of the FWG
:: Hummingbirds of the FWG ::
Woodpeckers of the FWG
:: Woodpeckers of the FWG ::
Flycatchers of the FWG
:: Flycatchers of the FWG ::
Shrikes of the FWG
:: Shrikes of the FWG ::
Vireos of the FWG
:: Vireos of the FWG ::
Crows and Jays of the FWG
:: Crows and Jays of the FWG ::
Swallows of the FWG
:: Swallows of the FWG ::
Chickadees of the FWG
:: Chickadees of the FWG ::
Nuthatches and Creepers of the FWG
:: Nuthatches and Creepers of the FWG ::
Wrens of the FWG
:: Wrens of the FWG ::
Kinglets of the FWG
:: Kinglets of the FWG ::
Thrushes of the FWG
:: Thrushes of the FWG ::
Mockingbirds and Thrashers of the FWG
:: Mockingbirds and Thrashers of the FWG ::
European starlings of the FWG
:: European starlings of the FWG ::
Waxwings of the FWG
:: Waxwings of the FWG ::
Warblers of the FWG
:: Warblers of the FWG ::
Sparrows of the FWG
:: Sparrows of the FWG ::
Northern Cardinals  and Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks of the FWG
:: Northern Cardinals and Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks of the FWG ::
Blackbirds of the FWG
:: Blackbirds of the FWG ::
Finches of the FWG
:: Finches of the FWG ::
House Sparrows of the FWG
:: House Sparrows of the FWG ::
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Blue-gray gnatcatcher