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free2run | all galleries >> landscape & nature >> Landscape >> Panorama & Collage > Trees in the river
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Trees in the river

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Yi Feng24-Apr-2007 03:38
Gorgeous lighting and color. Love the reflections! V
Laryl06-Apr-2007 03:41
Guest 04-Apr-2007 12:59
Nice subtle colors and reflections.
Rich Westfall03-Apr-2007 19:51
Beautiful shot.
Kathy Thompson03-Apr-2007 14:10
Wonderful reflections and superb colour. Excellent pano.
Victoria03-Apr-2007 11:05
A very natural view,wonderful
Chris Sofopoulos03-Apr-2007 08:16
Great quality of image! v
malcolm haslam03-Apr-2007 05:48
Love the format and's a beautiful shot Wei.
Bryan Murahashi03-Apr-2007 05:42
Excellent light and colors in this scene. GMV.
Bryan Ramsay03-Apr-2007 04:04
Great panorama! Is this a multi-shot? GMV. -BJ
Jess. ( Lady.D.)03-Apr-2007 03:12
Stunning image................................Jess
Greg Harp03-Apr-2007 02:53
Outstanding! GMV
Gayle P. Clement03-Apr-2007 02:15
Very beautiful light and color. Vote.
Dave Wixx03-Apr-2007 02:13
Wonderful capture. Lovely muted colours.
Herb 03-Apr-2007 02:05
Nice shot
Guest 03-Apr-2007 01:55
Excellent composition, color and reflections. Voted.
Guest 03-Apr-2007 01:42
Great shot, beautiful colours! V