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Winter railway

Olympus C-5060WZ
1/50s f/5.6 at 14.5mm iso80 full exif

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MarcWildPassion20-Dec-2007 21:33
Très triste ? et belle image.
François Hamon28-Jan-2007 17:59
I love this picture... Voted !
Yves Rubin23-Jan-2007 23:22
You composition is sublime! The curves from the branches serve to highlight the rails from both sides. There is that feeling of the forest inviting us to make a detour through a simpler not-so-straight path. Beautiful!
Jeroen Bosman19-Jan-2007 22:28
Really very special. Beautiful glow on the cold steel. I love the bits of colour in the trees and the ground beneath them.
Marco Valk17-Jan-2007 18:26
superb! vote
Rob Rosetti17-Jan-2007 17:30
Agree with T.W. : fine art!
Guest 17-Jan-2007 14:05
This is Fine Art!
If this were mine I would print it large and hang it somewhere for all to see.
Mindy McNaugher17-Jan-2007 04:15
Gorgeous!! Fabulous composition! Definitely captured the essence of winter! Vote!
Guest 17-Jan-2007 03:33
Guest 17-Jan-2007 03:29
Nice one. I like the composition. But it's cold...
Yi Feng17-Jan-2007 03:24
Very nice!
Guest 17-Jan-2007 00:15
Great B&W
Guest 16-Jan-2007 22:58
Nice! V
Guest 16-Jan-2007 22:15
indecisive!? :)
Guest 16-Jan-2007 20:53
Excellent winter scene...v
Enrico Martinuzzi16-Jan-2007 20:52
great composition!
Guest 16-Jan-2007 20:51
Beautiful work framing and composition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nomadicdragon16-Jan-2007 20:35
Beautiful shot. Nicely Done.
zyziza16-Jan-2007 20:33
Great shot! V
Terri Steele16-Jan-2007 20:32
Beautiful composition. Love the icing in the tree branches. voted.
Guest 16-Jan-2007 20:31
great depth, brrrr,loks very cold and icy.
Victoria16-Jan-2007 20:30
Looks cold, the railway extend in the white make us feel warm ,cheers