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Fog in the woods

Canon EOS 20D
1/80s f/6.3 at 42.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 06-Oct-2011 17:23
extremely beautiful, poetic and musical image! BV
Paul Chan26-Sep-2007 13:22
Image with "Feeling".
pep16-Apr-2007 22:40
Awsome. V
Niek Haak04-Mar-2007 13:03
lovely how you bring out the colors
Guest 07-Feb-2007 18:13
Guest 06-Feb-2007 21:57
This is a wonderful shot. Subtle, but striking.
Vlada Marinkovic16-Jan-2007 13:02
Like a painting.
Beautiful painting!

Regards from Serbia,

Guest 15-Jan-2007 20:02
I know why you choose this one to represent your gal...
It's really, really wonderful.
Johnny JAG28-Dec-2006 20:22
Wonderfully subtle colour. vote
Jim Cassatt26-Dec-2006 17:36
Love this picture.
Petros Labrakos26-Dec-2006 17:34
delicately composed!
firstbrook18-Dec-2006 08:56
Very nice...v
Joanne Kamo17-Dec-2006 13:35
Beautiful effect. Love it!! V
Liam O'Diomasaigh13-Dec-2006 16:58
Touches the soul..and beyond!
Isabel Cutler13-Dec-2006 15:52
You must have looked at a lot of Chinese art because when I look at many of your images I think "Chinese influence". This is gorgeous.
Guest 13-Dec-2006 08:51
sens of fresh air and trembling sound of hanging leaf
Dan Ng13-Dec-2006 07:43
Exemplary colors and composition. V.
henrywong13-Dec-2006 07:42
Stunning ! Voted!
Rob Rosetti13-Dec-2006 07:14
Abolutely beautiful!
Bryan Ramsay13-Dec-2006 05:56
Gotta vote for this one! -BJ V
Bryan Murahashi13-Dec-2006 05:51
Beautifully photographed. V.
Greg Harp13-Dec-2006 04:33
I love this image. Just the right splash of color & wonderful mood. GMV
Yi Feng13-Dec-2006 04:28
Lovely mood!