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Afternoon talk -- in sepia

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Guest 26-Nov-2005 18:26
great sequence, wei. very lively. love the tones too.

Cliff13-Nov-2005 06:31
Beautiful sequence Wei - the sepia is wonderful and the whimsical sunject matter is delightful!
Guest 13-Nov-2005 02:18
I love the treatment and fantastic series.
Vinh Luu12-Nov-2005 22:42
Looks more like a study session than an Afternoon Talk, but notice how they're getting closer... and closer... :) could it be that there's more to it than studying?
type12-Nov-2005 20:25
Excellent, movie-like ambience to this. Very intimate and natural.
...duncan12-Nov-2005 17:37
The treatment brings out a lot in the image and adds more mood. Excellent series.