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Monarch & flowers

Prints available

8 x 10: $30.00

11 x 14: $45.00

16 x 20: $60.00

20 x 30: $90.00

Canon EOS 20D
1/160s f/5.0 at 200.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Barri Olson26-Aug-2005 02:58
Ron Horloff22-Aug-2005 21:28
Nice capture, and great detail.

Mindy McNaugher05-Aug-2005 02:30
Absolutely stunning!! Incredibly sharp detail and gorgeous colors! Vote!
Sheena Woodhead04-Aug-2005 20:55
Superb macro. Excellent detail, focus and colour.
viljamix04-Aug-2005 15:25
Great colors and detail, nicely composed, too.
J. Scott Coile04-Aug-2005 13:52
So beautiful and perfectly sharp. The color is so sweet and the green smooth bokeh is a perfect BG. VOTE!
joanteno04-Aug-2005 11:54
Guest 04-Aug-2005 07:00
Another beautiful butterfly shot ... and the flower is pretty gorgeous too! :)
Guest 03-Aug-2005 22:41
WOW, this is incredibly beautiful!
Guest 03-Aug-2005 21:58
Wow, I have almost the exact same shot on my PAD today!
Vinh Luu03-Aug-2005 16:50
ah! it's a Monarch! beautiful spots! and sharp as a whistle too. :)
Bryan Murahashi03-Aug-2005 15:21
Very colorful and sharp shot.
markvm03-Aug-2005 12:25
Beautiful sharpness and colors!
Bill Miller03-Aug-2005 11:35
This is really beautiful, my favourite of the day. Vote....
tomsview03-Aug-2005 08:48
Beautiful shot with sharp detail!
Chris Sofopoulos03-Aug-2005 07:42
I like the detail and DOF!
Bob White03-Aug-2005 07:15
Beautiful shot very sharp and good DOF
henrywong03-Aug-2005 07:11
perfect shot Wei! Voted!