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Francisco Figueras | all galleries >> seres humanos ( 13 galerias) >> candids > pintora y curioso
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26-JUN-2007 frankief

pintora y curioso

la Barceloneta, Barcelona.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7
1/640s f/8.0 at 10.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 03-Aug-2008 20:18
Impresionante! Parece que los hayas contratado para hacer la foto. V
Guest 20-May-2008 12:00
monica memoli17-May-2008 23:37
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! v
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma17-May-2008 17:25
Fabulosa esa mirada a la "remanguillé" . V
gary becker17-Nov-2007 23:55
: )

Fantastic ! !
Guest 12-Jul-2007 16:25
Wow! Este es espectacular! This is a premium picture -V- !!
Guest 28-Jun-2007 09:21
buenisima foto frankie!!!!! V
QUERIDO28-Jun-2007 06:55
Excellent shot,vote
Terri Steele28-Jun-2007 00:14
Spectacular shot! Love the expressions and composition.
Eric Carrère27-Jun-2007 20:19
Very nice image, V.
Marjan Schavemaker27-Jun-2007 19:53
Very nice shot, Francisco! -V-
Jola Dziubinska27-Jun-2007 19:51
Nice candid scene.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 18:32
hehe fantastic catch,Francisco!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography27-Jun-2007 18:21
Excellent shot, GMV.
Lori Rolfe27-Jun-2007 17:21
great capture!
Silvia Roitman27-Jun-2007 16:54
excelente composicion!!bravo!VOte!
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