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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Ireland >> County Cork > Cats resting
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1989 Frank Brault

Cats resting

Killeagh, County Cork, Ireland

I copied this with my Nikon P7000.

Nikon Coolpix P7000
1/45s f/3.2 at 8.8mm iso100, tripod full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Walter Otto Koenig15-Mar-2012 03:08
Well hot image with the red background. They looks cold and unhappy. "V"
Jean D03-Jun-2011 01:26
Excellent capture of what looks like homeless cats in need of a good meal and some affection. ~V
Tom LeRoy20-May-2011 05:05
Lovely shot that tells a story. Hope someone lets them in soon! V!
bill friedlander10-May-2011 23:16
They look a little sad. They need a warm home to cheer them up. V
j>a>e>17 :):):)09-May-2011 07:50
endearing dream~dare~dive duet GIFTS perrrrfecgtly meowwwwwvelous TREASURE!!!! :):):):)
Cindi Smith08-May-2011 03:07
Looks like mother and daughter. Sweet shot!
Walter Otto Koenig08-May-2011 02:55
Wonderful shot of these two, though they look like they're cold to me.
Marcia Rules07-May-2011 22:24
they look so sad and well-traveled. nice photo. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)07-May-2011 21:37
Lovely image Frank. V+
laine07-May-2011 21:27
They do look a bit sad....hope they're cared for.
Máire Uí Mhaicín07-May-2011 21:24
A lovely shot, though they look a bit cold and miserable, poor little cats!