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Francis Toussaint | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Le Mont St-Michel tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Le Mont St-Michel

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Mont Saint Michel
Mont Saint Michel
... under early morning light
... under early morning light
...and just before the storm
...and just before the storm
...then late afternoon
...then late afternoon
u15/francist/medium/4784932.IMG_6733nor90.jpg ...waiting for high tide
...waiting for high tide
The Bay at sunrise...
The Bay at sunrise...
First visitor contemplating the start of a new day
First visitor contemplating the start of a new day
Midday view from the South
Midday view from the South
u15/francist/medium/4814454.IMG_6648nor105.jpg  La  Merveille
" La Merveille "
u15/francist/medium/4830660.IMG_6671nor110.jpg Ready to witness the sun set
Ready to witness the sun set
Mont St michel
Mont St michel
Les Remparts
Les Remparts
La Tour de la Liberté
La Tour de la Liberté
u9/francist/medium/1819692.sml9net.jpg u9/francist/medium/1819700.sml12net.jpg u9/francist/medium/1819690.sml39net.jpg
u9/francist/medium/1819696.sml10net.jpg La Baie du Mont St-Michel
La Baie du Mont St-Michel
Maintaining a spiritual presence
Maintaining a spiritual presence
u9/francist/medium/1819758.sml22net.jpg The Cloister
The Cloister
u9/francist/medium/1827705.sml58net.jpg u9/francist/medium/1821252.sml54net.jpg u9/francist/medium/1821251.sml53net.jpg
The Refectory
The Refectory
u9/francist/medium/1819703.sml17net.jpg La Salle des Hôtes
La Salle des Hôtes
u9/francist/medium/1819693.sml7net.jpg u9/francist/medium/1819691.sml8net.jpg u9/francist/medium/1821245.sml46net.jpg
La Grande Rue...
La Grande Rue...
...à l 'heure du coucher de soleil
...à l 'heure du coucher de soleil
Viewed from the distance
Viewed from the distance
Le Mont St-Michel
Le Mont St-Michel
Walking across the bay...
Walking across the bay...
u25/francist/medium/15249480.IMG_6587copie.jpg Unforgettable
Mt  St  Michel Bay
Mt St Michel Bay
u25/francist/medium/15249483.IMG_6648copie.jpg Mont St Michel
Mont St Michel
u33/francist/medium/21696720.IMG_6734smi4.jpg Mont St Michel, la salle des hôtes
Mont St Michel, la salle des hôtes
Mont-St-Michel Bay
Mont-St-Michel Bay
A room with a view
A room with a view
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