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flowsnow | all galleries >> Expressions >> The Untold Stories:Episode I > Ooops...Sniffles
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Tonle Sap, Cambodia

Most of the children whom I have met during my trip at Siem Reap had a runny nose. I suppose medical assistance is poor in the village area, mostly depended on witch doctors to heal their sickness and travel to the city to the hospital is far, plus some even have barely enough to feed the family. For another shot -

Bald Is Beautiful

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Katie Chew03-Feb-2007 15:48
Nice shot
Marcia Colelli03-Feb-2007 13:18
Very real to life capture. interesting capture of the nose area.
zyziza03-Feb-2007 12:04
real life, V
olivier bruning03-Feb-2007 11:56
terriffic catch and very cute! ~V~