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flowsnow | all galleries >> Travel Log >> Trekking Cambodia >> *Mystical Cambodia* > Bananas For You, Sir?
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Bananas For You, Sir?

Tonle Sap, Cambodia

The typical standard call for the sale of bananas by these Vietnamese(s) - "One dollar" and they would reach out their plates of bananas to you. They are seen everywhere along the lake looking out for tourists to sell their bananas. Previously they only begged for money.
Note: Vietnamese make up the largest minority group with about five percent of the population and Chinese make up another one percent.
For another similar shot ,click here.

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zyziza02-Feb-2007 12:14
children are always the same of over the world...
Nestor Derkach31-Jan-2007 10:40
Great image, nice explanation of image. Vote
Martha Albuquerque30-Jan-2007 22:27
Another great find! Bravo!