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Dennis Camp | all galleries >> My Eclectic Galleries >> Our Family Pictures > Max & Me
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One Autumn Evening 2003 Dennis Camp

Max & Me

Rowe Woods

One evening at the lake.

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Ken Zaret12-Sep-2010 01:49
Chiming in: Great portrait! A pleasure to view
Dan Greenberg29-Apr-2010 03:06
You really are good at innovative B&W portraits! I love the overall feel and mood of this. ~V~
Anthea's Photography22-Apr-2010 01:59
The emotion is right out there for all to see and share. A truely wonderful shot.
Guest 30-Aug-2007 02:33
Just happened upon your gallery for the first time, and I'm so glad. This is one of those photos that makes the old and trite cliche about photos being "worth a thousand words" so true.
Guest 28-Aug-2007 12:11
Wonderful family portrait!
Technically greatwith an honest
sensitivity bout it. ~V~
Colin Clarke23-Aug-2007 01:05
Congratulations. This is as good as it gets with portraiture and monochrome, in my view. ~V~
regi olbrechts10-Mar-2007 09:19
Absolutely gorgious and heartfelt portrait Dennis.
Fantastic light, exposure (!) and composition.
I can cry when I see scenes, so nicely presented, like this one...
Where all human beings, dads, mums, suns, daughters.
Ther`s only one world.
Guest 28-Aug-2006 04:22
Very nice gallery
Guest 17-Jun-2006 19:42
This is a very very nice picture. It is nice in all area. Especially the capture of you 2 facial expression , hm... looks like you two had a hard day and just sat down for a rest, happy to get all the work done, but didnt have any energy left for even saying a word - just sat down and relax....very nice!
Luc VN28-May-2006 12:21
Great cosy picture
Audrey Reid03-May-2006 14:26
I'm with Mary, this is really a gem of a photo. The soft filtered light, the sincere, easy pose of you and Max + the perfectly suited square format.....what a true gem.
Sue Robertson23-Apr-2006 23:56
Wonderful shot. Everything that Mary said......
R.Moreno08-Apr-2006 14:48
This is my fav on your galleries. Very well lighting and nice expressions. Bravo!!
De'Carr Studio01-Apr-2006 04:22
Wonderful portrait. Vote
Guest 31-Mar-2006 21:47
Just have to say again that I love this photo - it melts me.
Guest 26-Mar-2006 22:28
Oh, Dennis. One of the things I hold dearest about you and your work is the intensity of love I feel from you towards your children and is palpable in your photos and in your words - and that is something rare imo....

I love this photo and I sincerely hope you have it framed somewhere where you can see it everyday.
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