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huile de ricin14-May-2015 12:45
I am really impressed by your gallery, sorry for my english:)
Avoir une belle peau01-May-2015 13:05
Thank you for your photos
luis 30-Nov-2013 02:01
hola fred nice pictures this is luis !!!
Guest 09-Jul-2013 06:21
Oh no the 09 cheer is gone :-( those were my favorite
Guest 13-Sep-2012 06:35
Great cheerleaders!
falphotography18-Oct-2011 01:02
All photos can be purchased by contacting me at:
Tonianne Smith 09-Aug-2009 13:39
Hi Mr. Levine,
You're sport photo are amazing! Can you please tell me how I could go about purchasing a few?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Steve Williams 17-Apr-2009 12:49
Hi Mr. Levine,
I'm looking forward to the MHS Sr. Musical pictures.
Diane Harrington 22-Sep-2008 19:26
I am the yearbook adviser at Rye High School. My students and I are wondering how we can get permission to use some of your photos in our yearbook -- especially last spring's track and field shots (which are awesome!). We would, of course, give you credit for each photo we use. Is this a possibility? We don't have a lot of extra money, but if there is a small charge we could probably afford it.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Valerie 23-Aug-2008 21:20

I am mesmerized by your beautiful pictures of animals and people and places...........they are the most amazing photographs that I have seen........thank you for sharing with me and again thanks for the ones of me from Mamaroneck.......stay well.......
Katia Bogomolova 14-Jul-2008 14:34
Hi Fred-
You have some amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing them. I am looking for pictures of my brother - Alex Bogomolov. Do you know if you still have any from a couple of years ago when he played for NY Sportimes?
John Doherty 05-Apr-2008 03:33
Fred, Where are the photo's from the Harlem Wizards game at Eastchester?
Anthony Vitti 10-Jan-2008 10:30

Your work is excellent. Our kids enjoy seeing the momentos of their hard work! Thanks again from Mamaroneck Football and Wrestling
Phoebe Hanley 31-Oct-2006 02:16
Hello Mr. Levine.
Thanks so much for coming to our games and taking photos. We really love seeing the shots. We're trying to put a slideshow together for the end of the year, and I can't get the photos into the proper .jpg format for the program we're using. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to e-mail the photos to:
Thanks again for everything,
Dominick Curatola 30-Jul-2006 17:17

I'm looking for a way to reach you to have a picture emailed to me for my aunt. Her name in Vinnie Camp. (She was in a group picture) She met you at the tennis in Mamaroneck earlier in July. Thanks in advance. Dominick Curatola
Kenneth 26-Jul-2006 20:42
Mr. Levine,

Your photos are amazing! I see them every week in the local paper, and they just keep getting better. If you still want to do anything with the Museum of Modern Art, e-mail me.

mark 25-Jul-2006 04:26
cool pics they are lovely!
Pauline14-Jun-2006 19:32
Human_Body gallery.......update
Dear Fred,

I'm glad I kept your mail.
Recently 'like right now'.
That exhibit from china (Human bodies), is being shown here in Vegas.
You never heard such a fuss.
Some are asking about the Bodies.
From what they are saying, the bodies used are from people who donated their remains to science, no living relatives.
Frankly I didn't realise they were real bodies.
I thought some very well done art work.
I guess a few find this a bit too gruesome.
I still think this is fascinating.
If they don't like this then don't go and see it.

Take care have a good day!!
Just sharing.....
Pauline23-May-2006 17:07
Your human body gallery is amazing!!
Placed it in my Topic galleries.
Pauline23-May-2006 16:45
I appreciate your comment left in my site.
Thank you!
Perry Jones 20-Aug-2004 16:33
Incredible! Keep them coming!
Wayne Eisman 10-Aug-2004 22:33
Great pictures! I particularly like the sandscapes.
Guest 06-Aug-2004 20:20
Interesantes fotografías
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde España
Don Z 27-May-2004 23:00
I'm partial to your "steel" gallery as i am an Iron Worker myself in Oakland CA.
I'm glad those photos drew me to your other galleries as they are very nice.
Guest 29-Feb-2004 17:46
beautiful images ! Ilike :)
Guest 13-Oct-2003 21:53
Great photos! I can't wait to get my 10d :)
Tao Chun Liu12-Aug-2003 05:35
Your gallery is nice.
I love your BEEs pictures. ^__^