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June, July, Aug 06

K-Snori's 27th!
:: K-Snori's 27th! ::
Afternoon at Ferry Building and Ghiradelli Square
:: Afternoon at Ferry Building and Ghiradelli Square ::
:: Lanesplitters ::
*TC* 6 month anniversary dinner and Jenna's Last Day Celebration :D
:: *TC* 6 month anniversary dinner and Jenna's "Last Day Celebration" :D ::
Wicket's 1st b-day
:: Wicket's 1st b-day ::
Jennifer and John's Wedding
:: Jennifer and John's Wedding ::
night out
:: night out ::
goo goo dolls & counting crows
:: goo goo dolls & counting crows ::
:: 181 ::
4th of July BBQ
:: 4th of July BBQ ::
Liz and Kev's Wedding
:: Liz and Kev's Wedding ::
:: Fishing ::
Panini Night !
:: Panini Night ! ::
Space Art Gallery & Lush Bar
:: Space Art Gallery & Lush Bar ::
random june, july, aug happenings!
:: random june, july, aug happenings! ::
Roller Soccer and Post-Ice Wrap-up
:: Roller Soccer and Post-Ice Wrap-up ::
night out at sake lab
:: night out at sake lab ::
my 29th
:: my 29th ::
7 Days in Puerto Vallarta !
:: 7 Days in Puerto Vallarta ! ::