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Louie Escober | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Shane 01-Oct-2009 16:05
Hey Louie. I hope life has been treating you well. Are you ready to raft the canyon again? Shane and Shannon
Kimberly 04-Jun-2008 22:52
Incredible pictures. I especially enjoyed viewing your Tanzania pictures. I'll be headed there in 2 weeks and appreciated the opportunity to see your collection in addition to your exif info.
Cliff Rap10-Feb-2008 01:25
You have some great work here! I can learn a lot from you. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 15-Jun-2007 07:52
Good stuff.
Chris Lock16-Sep-2006 20:14
You have some very nice photos in your galleries. You have travelled to some wonderful places and captured the sights well.
Guest 24-Nov-2005 00:00

some nice travelling if you reach nuuk, Greenland give us a shout.

gclifford29 "the scotsman"
Stephan Goetze 15-Nov-2004 13:47

I saw some photos from Mesa Verde - Spruce Tree House and my question is, if one can use them non-commercial for a musuem exibition. For that purpose I need high quality pictures, if possible. I would be pleased to hear from you.

Thanks a lot


Stephan Goetze

Berlin, Germany
Johan Holst22-May-2004 02:22
amazing pictures!

Julie Southerst 21-Mar-2004 17:32

This message is for Louie Escobar:.....Hi...I understand you have/had a question about Quark expeditions....I went on a fantastic trip through the NORTHERN route of the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic in the fall of 2001...It was a truly amazing trip, notwithstanding the fact that we were stranded in Siberia for four extra days...a result of US airspace being closed due to the attacks on the world Trade Centre. Everything about the ship was first class....the accommodations were comfortable, the food was superb, but the main factor was the expedition staff!! They were all well-experienced, well trained in their specific fields of expertise...a zoologist/biologist...a historian (the archivist from the Scott Polar Institute, no less!!),,, glaciologist, geologist...etc.etc. Consequently, their lectures were excellent, and everyone on board learned a great deal. Based on my experience, and, having kept in touch with several fellow passengers, (some of whom had sailed with Quark at least once before, for a couple this was their 3rd or 4th trip with the company)...I'd do it again...we'd all do it again!!

However!....a word of caution...I understand that the chap who was our expedition leader is no longer with Quark, and the company has reorganized. Just a day or so ago, I received this info. from one of the former crew of the Kapitan Khlebnikov, one of two ice breakers chartered by Quark for such cruises...and his information may help you make a decision as to whether or not you wish to sail with Quark....

"....5. As for the Quark re-organisation, I do not know what they are up to, I suspect it is Patrick Shaw, imported as President of Quark from the failed (twice bankrupted) and un-lamented Marine Expeditions, who is busy cost-cutting at the expense of quality, which has been the last straw for those of us who believed in providing the best for the large sums of money paid by the passengers. On the North Pole trips last year they had hired some pretty poor lecturers simply because they could also drive Zodiacs, which I think is an insult to the passengers who want to learn from the top people in their fields, not from graduate students who have memorised a script which they gallop through at top speed, with slides of graphs and tiny print which one cannot read and is not explained. They cannot even answer questions properly.".....

I note that you mentioned that Quark had the cheapest cruise with availability, but as the adage says "Quality only hurts the first time you pay for it..." ...Caveat Emptor, and all that stuff....I myself have not been to Antarctica..right now I'm too busy with trips to the Arctic...I'm going on my third trip this summers to Northeast Baffin and Greenland, ..(see I attended a slide show just last week given by one Peter Langer who had been on the very ship I shall be's the Akademik Ioffe..he had nothing but the highest praise for it. (The copmpany chartering the vessel is Peregrine Cruises...Austrailan..) I know that this past winter Adv. Canada did have a trip to the Antarctic, and the expedition leaders were David McGonigal and Lynn Woodworth, who incidentally, also put out the most excellent book on the two Polar regions: The Complete Encyclopedia of Antarctica and the Arctic...published by Firefly books, ISBN 1-55297-545-2. worth having a look at..but it weighs a ton!!

I'd strongly suggest having a look at other companies....if you like, I can give you my impressions of the 'quality of service, etc. etc...' later on in August...Cheers...and good luck! and Bon voyage...with whoever, wherever...JS