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Carl and Racine Erland | profile | all galleries >> Special Destination Trips and Holidays (Multiple Galleries) >> * Tide Rip GrizzlyTours - June 23-24, 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The 2015 Mini Adventure | Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum 2015 | * Tide Rip GrizzlyTours - June 23-24, 2012 | The Great Adventure 2009 Photos: Multiple Galleries | Woodland Park Zoo 2009

* Tide Rip GrizzlyTours - June 23-24, 2012

'Where's the kids?'
'Where's the kids?'
Would a grizzly call this 'finger lickin' good?
Would a grizzly call this 'finger lickin' good?
Yummy Protien
Yummy Protien
...I wonder what all those clicking sounds are?
...I wonder what all those clicking sounds are?
Evening Stroll
Evening Stroll
The Sow
The Sow
Muscle Smorgasborg
Muscle Smorgasborg
Me and Mom
Me and Mom
Spring Diet
Spring Diet
Field Trip Reconnaissance
Field Trip Reconnaissance
Mussel Beach
Mussel Beach
Play Time
Play Time