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the brides last steps in freedom

Kaiser-Franz-Joseph-Jubiläums-Theater Berndorf
Architekt: Oskar Laske Sen., 1897-1898

Nikon Coolpix 4500

Funny Patriotic Santa Claus Visiting The United States Of AmericaPatriotic Santa Claus Visiting The USA
Funny Sweet Festive Customizable Christmas Gifts
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Vangy 14-Jun-2005 20:14
What a lovely catch. And such a beautiful expression. Vangy
Vinh Luu03-Apr-2005 07:53
a very nice photo. i really like the pose. she seems very happy and enjoying herself.
Gary Winters03-Apr-2005 05:14
Little does she know, huh? Great shot, Erich!
JeremyGood03-Apr-2005 04:52
Wow Erich. Awesome. Superb COLOUR!
northstar3702-Apr-2005 23:45
Very poised!
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