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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Versailles, the Sun king's masterpiece. > Fontaine Latuna detail
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Fontaine Latuna detail

Sony DSC-R1
1/800s f/8.0 at 71.5mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Idriss Saint-Antoine 25-Feb-2008 22:02
Makoura Josiane 25-Feb-2008 22:02
J'aime, c'est trop beau a voir!
Hans-Hartwig Ehlers 25-Jul-2007 02:35
Again, I have to admire your ability to do it just right. This shot should get an honorable mention, if not win a price just for the way that you depict the water, one can literally feel it and enjoy it for the lifegiving element it
is. I have seen hundreds of galleries of waterfalls and fountains where the water has been reduced to some
thing resembling cotton candy...... thank you for sharing your view and vision.
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