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Eric | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Excursions tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


We're nearing on a year since I've been shooting. You can see the changing seasons in this gallery. I've sorted the galleries by order of which ones I'm more fond of. The top few galleries are more than just pictures. I try to add some local history as well. I hope you enjoy them, and maybe learn a little something.
Old with a Touch of New
:: Old with a Touch of New ::
Harper's Ferry, October
:: Harper's Ferry, October ::
Patapsco River CSX Railroad
:: Patapsco River CSX Railroad ::
Charleston: People and Places
:: Charleston: People and Places ::
Spring River
:: Spring River ::
Old St. Mary's College
:: Old St. Mary's College ::
Clouds at 30K
:: Clouds at 30K ::
Sandy Point, Chesapeake Bay, MD
:: Sandy Point, Chesapeake Bay, MD ::
The 4th of Annapolis
:: The 4th of Annapolis ::
The Fourth of Baltimore
:: The Fourth of Baltimore ::
Toyota Camry Solara
:: Toyota Camry Solara ::
Deep Summer Forest
:: Deep Summer Forest ::
Rocky Gorge
:: Rocky Gorge ::
Into the Woods
:: Into the Woods ::
:: missouri ::
Washington D.C.
:: Washington D.C. ::
Cunningham Falls, MD
:: Cunningham Falls, MD ::
St. Louis
:: St. Louis ::
Palm Springs, CA
:: Palm Springs, CA ::
DC Colors
:: DC Colors ::
Blizzard of '10
:: Blizzard of '10 ::
:: Yosemite ::
The Fourth of Catonsville
:: The Fourth of Catonsville ::
The Farm
:: The Farm ::