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Piotr Siejka | profile | all galleries >> Artists >> Ex Nihilo- Contemporary Dance Group tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Karen Edwards Concert | Ex Nihilo- Contemporary Dance Group | Young Breakdancers | Chris Botti in Warsaw | Chambao in Warsaw

Ex Nihilo- Contemporary Dance Group

Ex Nihilo are 4 dancers from Marseille. They are amazing. They perform outdoors, in the streets...

Their dance requires lots of physical strenght cause they bounce off of walls and pavement all the time. There is so much improvisation going on and yet they're perfectly coordinated.

First, Ex Nihilo were inspiring Polish artists with their vision of "street dance" during 4-day workshops.

Finally they acted out (or rather, danced out) a show entitled "Calle Obrapia #4" created at the Cuidad en Movimiento Festival in Havana in 2003.

In the two galleries are my attempts to record their vision, originality and performance.
Hope you enjoy...

All images are © 2004 Peter Siejka
Ex Nihilo- Workshops
:: Ex Nihilo- Workshops ::
Ex Nihilo- The Show
:: Ex Nihilo- The Show ::