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Assorted Photography

This gallery holds an assortment of photographic subjects captured by Colorado artist and photographer Robert Burke. Select images are available as professional quality greeting cards, inexpensive posters and other products at Thank you for visiting!
Buddha with Egyptian Amulets
Buddha with Egyptian Amulets
Head of Buddha
Head of Buddha
Head of Buddha-Before and After Topaz
Head of Buddha-Before and After Topaz
Amida Buddha lacquered wood Japan 1700s
Amida Buddha lacquered wood Japan 1700s
Quan Yin in the snow
Quan Yin in the snow
Womans Silk Robe China Qing Dynasty
Womans Silk Robe China Qing Dynasty
Detail of Womans Silk Robe, China, Qing Dynasty
Detail of Womans Silk Robe, China, Qing Dynasty
4th of July Airburst I
4th of July Airburst I
4th of July Airburst II
4th of July Airburst II
Multi-flavored ice cream
Multi-flavored ice cream
Orange sneaker
Orange sneaker
Mt Rushmore Horsethief Lake
Mt Rushmore Horsethief Lake
Mt Rushmore George Washington
Mt Rushmore George Washington
Medora Wagon Wheel
Medora Wagon Wheel
Antique Doll-1
Antique Doll-1
Antique Doll-2
Antique Doll-2
Antique Doll-3
Antique Doll-3
Antique Doll-4
Antique Doll-4
Grass Hopper Decoration
Grass Hopper Decoration
Wind Sculpture 1
Wind Sculpture 1
Wind Sculpture 2
Wind Sculpture 2
Bottled Flowers
Bottled Flowers
Angel Wings
Angel Wings
Life Finds a Way
Life Finds a Way
Hot Air Ignition
Hot Air Ignition
Blue Sky Balloon Launch
Blue Sky Balloon Launch
Massing Thunderhead
Massing Thunderhead
Cannonball Concretions
Cannonball Concretions
Cannonball Concretions No 2
Cannonball Concretions No 2
Cowboys Can Fly
Cowboys Can Fly
Bronc Rider
Bronc Rider
Water is Life
Water is Life
Abandoned Farmhouse
Abandoned Farmhouse
Pumpkin Pile Number 3
Pumpkin Pile Number 3
Seine Bridgework
Seine Bridgework