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Dave Thomas | profile | all galleries >> Out and About in Southeastern PA >> Berks County >> Fiddle Festivals >> Lyons 2017 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lyons 2017

The 34th event, held Sunday, 17 September 2017.

An annual event, well done with an assortment of musicians from near and far. Typically there are four or five bands doing country, blue grass or old timey music, most from southeastern Pennsylvania. There is a fiddling contest for three age groups - 12 and under, 13 - 17, 18 and up. There is good and reasonably priced food prepared and served by local organizations.

In addition to the on-stage activity, one finds clusters of musicians scattered about the pleasant tree shaded park playing together, learning new licks and obviously doing what they love. In addition to strings from fiddle to bass, it's not unusual to find an accordion or two, and maybe a flute and bodhran playing some Celtic stuff.

For info on future festival events, use this link. The festival now has a Facebook page which has lots of cool photos and information.

This year we mostly listened, just catching a few shots with the iPhone. We also patronized one of the sponsors on our way home. We stopped at the Savory Grille in Seisholtzville, our first visit there, for what turned out to be an awesomely good meal.

g10/93/463093/3/166240739.n6vtXZzs.jpg Martin Sisters Band
Martin Sisters Band
Niko Kreider Trio
Niko Kreider Trio
Under the Trees
Under the Trees
Niko Kreider
Niko Kreider
Fiddle Mania
Fiddle Mania
Lemon Meringue Cake
Lemon Meringue Cake