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Dave Thomas | profile | all galleries >> Out and About in Southeastern PA >> Berks County >> Fiddle Festivals >> Lyons Fiddle Festival 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lyons Fiddle Festival 2008

The 25th anniversary event, held Sunday, 21 September 2008.

An annual down home sort of event, very well done with an assortment of bands from nearby and far combined with a fiddling contest for all age groups. Throw in some good and reasonably priced food and clusters of musicians pluckin' and sawin' all throughout a pleasant tree shaded park, the day can't be beat.

This particular event also had a number of restored vintage tractors on display.

For info on future festival events, use this link.

In keeping with the vintage of the tractors and much of the music, these shots were taken on black and white film with Ye Olde Photographer's recently acquired Voigtländer Perkeo II.

Festival Stage
Festival Stage
Martin Family Band
Martin Family Band
Martin Family - Step Dancing
Martin Family - Step Dancing
Mountain Folk Band
Mountain Folk Band
Best of Berks
Best of Berks
National Anthem
National Anthem
Music under the Trees
Music under the Trees
Uillean Pipes, etc.
Uillean Pipes, etc.
Pickin' in the Shade
Pickin' in the Shade
Big Jam Session
Big Jam Session
More Pickers
More Pickers
Still More Pickers
Still More Pickers
Dulcimer and Friends
Dulcimer and Friends
Fancy Fiddle
Fancy Fiddle
1948 Silver King
1948 Silver King
1948 Silver King
1948 Silver King
Silver King
Silver King
Silver King
Silver King
Allis-Chalmers Closeup
Allis-Chalmers Closeup
1923 Fordson Model F
1923 Fordson Model F
1923 Fordson Model F
1923 Fordson Model F
1923 Fordson Model F
1923 Fordson Model F
1939 McCormick Farmall Model B
1939 McCormick Farmall Model B
Winding Down
Winding Down