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Duncan | profile | all galleries >> Scratch/retouching >> Wii sensor bar hack tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wii sensor bar hack

A set of pictures showing how I extended the wire for the "sensor bar" on a Nintendo Wii game console, and also made it possible to connect the sensor bar to an external power supply.

(It turns out that the "sensor bar" is actually just two groups of IR LEDs, wired to use a 12 volt power supply. If you splice plugs into the wire, you can use an extension cable, or an external REGULATED 12 volt power supply.)
sensor bar rig (V62)
sensor bar rig (V62)
screw under tape
screw under tape
Tripoint screwdriver
Tripoint screwdriver
Inside sensor bar
Inside sensor bar
Sensor bar insides
Sensor bar insides
Sensor bar PCB
Sensor bar PCB
Sensor bar, wires removed
Sensor bar, wires removed