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Duff Hughes | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> travels tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
East Los Angeles sunset
East Los Angeles sunset
Middleton, Wi, USA
Middleton, Wi, USA
Mid West Crossing
Mid West Crossing
evening return to Hong Kong
evening return to Hong Kong
Sri Lankan kitchen
Sri Lankan kitchen
sunrise over Phnom Penh, Cambodia
sunrise over Phnom Penh, Cambodia
early morning rooftops of Saigon
early morning rooftops of Saigon
home to Hong Kong
home to Hong Kong
Steamy early morning, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Steamy early morning, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Lighthouse, Subic, Philippines
The Lighthouse, Subic, Philippines
The Lighthouse, Subic Bay, Philippines
The Lighthouse, Subic Bay, Philippines
The Lighthouse, Subic Bay, Philippines
The Lighthouse, Subic Bay, Philippines
Preparing for night flight to India
Preparing for night flight to India
Scooter Culture, Ho Chi Minh City
Scooter Culture, Ho Chi Minh City
River Front, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
River Front, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Saigon Streets
Saigon Streets