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Dale Stanton | profile | all galleries >> Our Travels >> Santa Fe, NM tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Santa Fe, NM

This gallery contains images from my trips to the Santa Fe, New Mexico area.

(All pictures Copyright (c) 2004 - 2015, D. Stanton. Do not copy or link to these photos without permission.)

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Eagle and Brave Sculpture
Eagle and Brave Sculpture
Indian Crafts 1
Indian Crafts 1
Longhorn Skulls
Longhorn Skulls
Miraculous Staircase
Miraculous Staircase
Navajo Pottery 2
Navajo Pottery 2
Navajo Pottery 1
Navajo Pottery 1
Railing Posts
Railing Posts
Hermits Peak
Hermits Peak
Road to Las Vegas 2
Road to Las Vegas 2
Road to Las Vegas
Road to Las Vegas
The Carpenter
The Carpenter
Indian Blankets
Indian Blankets
Indian Craftsman
Indian Craftsman
Palace of The Governors
Palace of The Governors
Santa Fe Homes 1
Santa Fe Homes 1
From The City of Santa Fe
From The City of Santa Fe
Aspens at 10,000 Feet
Aspens at 10,000 Feet
10000 Feet
10000 Feet
Artist At Work
Artist At Work
Friendly Bird
Friendly Bird
Knock, Knock!
Knock, Knock!
Mottled Door
Mottled Door
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