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Dale Stanton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flora tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


This is a collection of flowers, blossoms, and other plant life.

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Colors - IMG_9408.JPG
Colors - IMG_9408.JPG
Painted Daisy Bee - IMG_9405.JPG
Painted Daisy Bee - IMG_9405.JPG
Larkspur - IMG_9398.JPG
Larkspur - IMG_9398.JPG
Sparkler - IMG_9394.JPG
Sparkler - IMG_9394.JPG
Sea of Color - IMG_9393.JPG
Sea of Color - IMG_9393.JPG
Dianthus - IMG_9354.JPG
Dianthus - IMG_9354.JPG
Snapdragons - IMG_9380.JPG
Snapdragons - IMG_9380.JPG
Roses - IMG_9350.JPG
Roses - IMG_9350.JPG
Orchids - IMG_9550.JPG
Orchids - IMG_9550.JPG
Hibiscus - IMG_9533.JPG
Hibiscus - IMG_9533.JPG
Flowers - IMG_9347.JPG
Flowers - IMG_9347.JPG
Dianthus - IMG_9354.JPG
Dianthus - IMG_9354.JPG
Cluster - IMG_9332.JPG
Cluster - IMG_9332.JPG
Wildflower - IMG_9240.JPG
Wildflower - IMG_9240.JPG
Wildflower - IMG_9234.JPG
Wildflower - IMG_9234.JPG
Rose - IMG_9270.JPG
Rose - IMG_9270.JPG
Knockout Rose - IMG_9225.JPG
Knockout Rose - IMG_9225.JPG
Knockout Roses - IMG_9231.JPG
Knockout Roses - IMG_9231.JPG
Bud Portrait - IMG_9214.JPG
Bud Portrait - IMG_9214.JPG
Geraniums - IMG_9206.JPG
Geraniums - IMG_9206.JPG
Barrel Cactus - IMG_8421.JPG
Barrel Cactus - IMG_8421.JPG
Morning Glory - IMG_4777.JPG
Morning Glory - IMG_4777.JPG
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