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Dennis Purdy's Recent Galleries

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19-Sep-2019 21:11
Devils and Demons
:: Devils and Demons ::
16-Feb-2012 18:56
8X10 Platinum nudes
:: 8X10 Platinum nudes ::
25-Sep-2011 13:53
9.5 inch Enlarged Platinums
:: 9.5 inch Enlarged Platinums ::
22-Jun-2011 14:04
Platinum prints from Rolleiflex negatives
:: Platinum prints from Rolleiflex negatives ::
26-Mar-2010 14:53
8X10 Platinum
:: 8X10 Platinum ::
01-Sep-2009 23:55
Stone Spirit
:: Stone Spirit ::
23-Jan-2009 23:04
:: newport_oregon ::
11-Jun-2008 18:27
Kansas Rolleiflex project
:: Kansas Rolleiflex project ::
11-Jun-2008 17:59
:: larrys_set ::
14-May-2008 04:11
A walk in Oaxaca, Mexico
:: A walk in Oaxaca, Mexico ::
05-Sep-2006 01:14
2.8F Rollei Xenotar,  Pentax 67
:: 2.8F Rollei Xenotar, Pentax 67 ::
30-Aug-2004 15:33
:: marie_work ::