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1st place

Cure For A Rainy Day - JDU
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19-AUG-2005 John down under, rain man

MC6 Color
1st place

Cure For A Rainy Day - JDU

Water drops from a syringe. Umbrella backlit with manual flashgun.

Here's how I did it:

Konica-Minolta Maxxum 7 Digital ,Tamron SP AF 90/2.8 Di Macro
5s f/8.0 at 90.0mm iso400; manual flashgun full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 27-Feb-2006 19:24
Awesome, thanks for providing us with the way you did it. It helps ease the curiousity :) I love the nice colourful soft bokah, and the reflection/refractions on the water drops. *you cant tell its an umbrella!* :)
Im getting the same lens very soon :)
Guest 13-Nov-2005 05:34
Absolutely riveting!!
Guest 22-Oct-2005 04:16
this is a fantastic shot!! amazing. well done. GMV