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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Uzuncaburç aka Olba-Diocaesarea tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Uzuncaburç aka Olba-Diocaesarea

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Uzuncaburç, an hour’s ride in a great mountain area north of Silifke, is where the ruins of Olba Diocaesarea can be found (I sometimes come across the spelling Olbia, but that seems to be wrong). Most of these date to the second century BC. A dynasty of priests (the Teucrids) ruled West Cilicia from here, until emperor Vespian integrated the area into the Roman province of Cilicia. In this gallery I also show – as a sub-gallery - pictures of the nearby (45 minutes on a real ancient Roman road) Ura, the housing town belonging to the temples at Olba Diocaesarea. It has been identified as the Ura that is already mentioned in Hittite sources. There is another Diocaesarea in Israel, so this (Uzuncaburç) one is called Diocaesarea (Isauria), Isauria being the Roman province it in.

In 2013 and 2015 I visited all these spots again, taking many similar pictures and some new ones. In 2022 I reorganise pictures, putting most in sub-galleries. Some texts may be strange due to my not describing a tour anymore.

On the return to Silifke do not forget Demircili with some fine grave monuments.
Ura (Olba)
Ura (Olba)
Uzuncanburç theatre
Uzuncanburç theatre
Parade Gate
Parade Gate
Temple of Zeus
Temple of Zeus
Tyche temple in Diocaesarea (Isauria)
Tyche temple in Diocaesarea (Isauria)
Uzuncaburc  mrt 2008 3473.jpg
Uzuncaburc mrt 2008 3473.jpg
City gate of Caesarea
City gate of Caesarea
Hellenistic tower
Hellenistic tower
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Uzuncaburc mrt 2008 3529.jpg
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Uzuncaburc mrt 2008 3530.jpg
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Uzuncaburc mrt 2008 3533.jpg
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Uzuncaburc mrt 2008 3552.jpg
Uzuncaburc march 2013 9300.jpg
Uzuncaburc march 2013 9300.jpg
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Uzuncaburc march 2013 9301.jpg
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Uzuncaburc march 2013 9323.jpg
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Uzuncaburc march 2013 9330.jpg
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Uzuncaburc march 2013 9363.jpg
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Uzuncaburc march 2013 9364.jpg
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Uzuncaburc march 2013 9389.jpg
Necropolis in Diocaesarea
Necropolis in Diocaesarea
Mausoleum in Diocaesarea
Mausoleum in Diocaesarea