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Donald Verger | all galleries >> Galleries >> RISING FAST > DSCN9543_1favorite barn.jpg I will put all my images of this barn in a new gallery
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DSCN9543_1favorite barn.jpg I will put all my images of this barn in a new gallery

... called... MY FAVORITE BARN... I SEEM TO KKNOw that because i seem to go there a lot and shoot it a lot... i will make it
the 2nd gallery among my galleries... have a good day... don

Nikon Coolpix 8800
1/133s f/5.4 at 35.9mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Guest 01-Jun-2006 13:51
This barn IS great, I love the depth of the shot.- Elise
James Ross03-Mar-2006 21:53
A great barn it is and with a cracking view!. :-)
Chris Sofopoulos03-Mar-2006 19:03
Love the place. Seems so peaceful.
Kathy Pedersen03-Mar-2006 17:17
Beautiful fall setting Don, beautiful colors and a great POV! Vote
Stu03-Mar-2006 16:58
Very nice
Guest 03-Mar-2006 14:43
I can understand your going there often, such a beautiful view and photographed so well.
Guest 03-Mar-2006 13:31
a wonderful peaceful feeling in the image, beautiful.
Guest 03-Mar-2006 13:26
Beautiful image. Great colors and depth. Very interesting angle. Voted.
Gayle P. Clement03-Mar-2006 12:41
Wonderful range of colors, Don.