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Donna Race | profile | all galleries >> West Virginia ~ Whitetail Deer >> WV Whitetail Deer ~ 4th Qtr 2004 >> WV Deer ~ October 2004 - Dedicated to my friend, Karen Stuebing... >> Life with our WV Deer, 10/24/04 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Life with our WV Deer, 10/24/04

For weeks we have been visited by a Spike Buck. Then a Doe will show up, butt him, and chase him away.
She finally showed up with her young 'un...the reason for her aggression.
They first appeared across the creek on the hill, crossed the creek, and chased Spike who never went very far away.
The fifteen images here are in the order taken.
Can you see him in the last picture? :)
More images of Spike can be seen at:

Please click on thumbnails for a larger view
'Mama', getting closer
'Mama', getting closer
We're coming!
We're coming!
Mama, coming down the other side after circling the dish.
Mama, coming down the other side after circling the dish.
Hmmmm, he's gone now.
Hmmmm, he's gone now.
Whatcha looking at?
Whatcha looking at?
Okay, I'll pose for you.
Okay, I'll pose for you.
I like this stuff! 10/24
I like this stuff! 10/24
We both do!
We both do!
Still at it!
Still at it!
Spike, can you see me now?
Spike, "can you see me now?"